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Besides the restaurant indoors area, bar and taqueria, Vasconcelos has an amazing terrace at the middle of Plaza O2 where you can also enjoy the great atmosphere with the best Mexican music from all times.
With delicious options for breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is certainly an excellent choice for lovers of Mexican cuisine.
Vasconcelos borns as a culinary proposal with regional recipes, this place is one more achievement of the Group and it brings the traditions of Mexico on your palate.
Corn, beans, chili and mezcal are some attributes of the rich Mexican cuisine for its taste, aroma and tradition.
There is a Mexican touch in every single detail of the place and each unique flavor will make you live an exquisite experience.
In Vasconcelos you will find tacos prepared in our taqueria inside the restaurant, sopetacos, esquites Coyoacán style and exquisite salted or marinated grilled Ribeye.
Plaza O2. Vasconcelos #150 Ote. Col. Del Valle, San Pedro Garza García, Monterrey N.L.
Phone: +52 (81) 21 36 30 60
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